BBC will add second hour of ‘Newshour’
The addition takes effect July 11.
Current (
Most newsrooms lack clear guidelines, and funders are upfront about agendas.
Maine Public Classical will air on three new stations, online and on HD radio.
The arrival of a new institute expands the city’s “vibrant economy” of publicly supported journalism.
NPR, PBS NewsHour and This American Life were among the winners.
The project comes at a time when funding is scarce for changing equipment.
The consultant will facilitate a meeting with up to 23 stations.
“The new fellows are adding to the number of diverse voices that we aim to support in the documentary space.”
Nearly 300 people have signed the petition.
What’s the point of local TV stations when viewers can — and increasingly do — watch national programming online?
One is in partnership with a long-running magazine.
“Nothing is more important than how your station sounds.”
“We’ll be using captioning and other tools to make it as accessible as possible to all viewers.”
Arthur Cohen steps up to run the station while David Freedman shifts his focus to strategic planning.
“We decided to partner instead of compete,” said Ben Godley, c.o.o. of WGBH in Boston.
He spent more than two decades at WPBT in Miami and also worked at WNED in Buffalo, N.Y.
The station aims to “boost investigative reporting strength.”
Public media is more than just content or a platform.
KUOW will unveil a preview of Planet Jazz next week.