"Made Possible By..." Podcast
‘Made Possible By…’ #15: Frank Blythe, early leader in Native-focused public TV
“How are we educating the public if we can’t get a whole lot of outsiders looking at our films?”
Current (https://current.org/author/mike-janssen/page/8/)
“How are we educating the public if we can’t get a whole lot of outsiders looking at our films?”
“Be a storyteller,” says Barzyk — and as you’ll hear, he should know.
“If you aren’t in a position to make mistakes, then you’re not going to come up with something worthwhile.”
“I’ve had tremendous experiences, I’ve worked like a dog, so it’s not like someone just granted these things to me.”
In the late ’60s, Morrisett and his collaborators on “Sesame Street” wanted to know: Could television teach?
Vecchione says public media is “one of the last holdouts in an increasing commercialized world.”
The influential longtime leader in public broadcasting explains how he built MPR up from a small college station.
The early employee of Boston’s WGBH looks back on his career with the science show.
The founder of the Spanish-language radio network explains how he got into public broadcasting.
The longtime public broadcasting leader relates how she came to the field through the civil rights movement.
Mitchell was the first employee of NPR and the first producer of “All Things Considered.”
In an interview for our podcast, Stamberg reflects on her long career at the network.
“Fighting for public broadcasting is like fighting for equal rights and equal opportunity for everybody and anybody in this world,” says an early leader in the field.
The board also heard messages of support for CEO Jarl Mohn.
“I am unable to devote the amount of time that the current situation … demands of the NPR board chair to be truly effective,” said Roger LaMay.
The station’s former GM says public media’s mission statement should be “To be important.”
Our new podcast revisits the roots of public media by bringing together founders and up-and-comers.
Ken Stern’s treatment of NPR in “Republican Like Me” goes beyond his recent op-ed that riled some in public media.
Watch our Facebook Live of presentations by the competition’s four finalists.
iWinQ’s developers hope to make inroads among listeners who don’t donate — a large share of public radio’s audience.