“Fighting for public broadcasting is like fighting for equal rights and equal opportunity for everybody and anybody in this world,” says Robert Hilliard. The former head of educational broadcasting at the FCC was present for the signing of the Public Broadcasting Act. With that resume, he’s a shoo-in to appear on our podcast Made Possible By…, where we bring together founders of public broadcasting with young talents working in the field today.

Hilliard and Walters at WGCU’s studios
Hilliard now serves on the board of WGCU in Fort Myers, Fla. Here, he’s interviewed by WGCU reporter Quincy Walters.
Walters has interned with NPR’s All Things Considered and is a recipient of a Radio and Television News Directors Foundation fellowship. He recently talked to Current about his experience covering a Trump rally.
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“Fighting for public broadcasting is like fighting for equal rights and equal opportunity for everybody and anybody in this world,” says Robert Hilliard.
Hyperbole much?