Texas’s KEDT builds on alliance with local college

One of the smallest independent public broadcasting operations in the country will move into new facilities this fall under its expanding partnership with a local community college. For more than 40 years, KEDT-TV/FM in Corpus Christi, Texas, has been housed in a strip mall in what was originally meant to be a temporary location. Its unusual agreement with the city’s Del Mar College preserves its independence as a community pubcasting licensee while allowing the two institutions to share content and a state-of-the art broadcast and production facility, the new KEDT Center for Educational Broadcasting. Under construction after a ceremonial groundbreaking last fall, the center will be located on a prime site adjacent and connected to Del Mar College’s Center for Economic Development, and offer amenities such as an outdoor performance plaza wired for live broadcasts. The two institutions have plans to work closely together on content going forward, in addition to sharing the space and digital television equipment.