Music by your colleagues: lovesickness, crucifixion and stoner rock operas
If you like your rock ‘n’ roll with “witchcraft, a high-speed motorcycle chase and lions taking over the circus,” we’ve got a song for you.
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If you like your rock ‘n’ roll with “witchcraft, a high-speed motorcycle chase and lions taking over the circus,” we’ve got a song for you.
“We’ve been knee-deep in this situation for what feels like forever,” said CPB System Development SVP Ted Krichels.
Forty of your colleagues shared their musical talents with us — dive into our eclectic playlist.
Do you work in public media and make music? Send us your tunes for compiling into one mega-playlist of pubmedia jams.
Mary Mitchelson joined the CPB Inspector General’s office in 2013.
OETA’s former fundraising foundation has threatened to “destroy” membership data it claims to own.
A receiver is necessary because the foundation is a public charity, the AG said.
Kitty Felde, who covered Capitol Hill for public radio, has written a children’s mystery book, “Welcome to Washington, Fina Mendoza.”
Scott Horsley replaces John Ydstie, who retired in November.
Golis will lead editorial strategy, program development and the integration of radio and digital for WNYC News, WNYC Radio and WNYC Studios.
Capital Public Radio relied on live events, local experts and media partnerships to examine a taboo topic in California’s rural Amador County.
Station leaders, fundraisers and school district officials are considering whether a separate nonprofit should take over WLRN’s licenses.
The stations will work with the WBUR innovation lab for six months.
What made your 2018 special, and what’s your wish for 2019? Here’s what our readers said.
Browse, filter and search our listing of more than 100 programs scheduled for upcoming release.