Noem’s public broadcasting cut proves she’s nothing like Mister Rogers and a lot like Trump
South Dakota’s governor has proposed a sudden funding reduction for South Dakota Public Broadcasting after approving previous increases.
Current (
South Dakota’s governor has proposed a sudden funding reduction for South Dakota Public Broadcasting after approving previous increases.
The station, previously a CBS affiliate, reaches more than 85,000 viewers in southern Anchorage.
Why Jon Stewart would be a good fit for public radio.
The Association of Independents in Radio opened its runway for stations wanting to participate in the latest round of Localore.
The Knight Prototype Fund announced the projects receiving funding for 2015, including four public media and nonprofit news organizations.
NPR, WNYC and WBEZ invited advertisers to their first podcasting upfront.
Executive producers for Mercy Street include Ridley Scott (Gladiator, Thelma & Louise).
After Kilmurry’s departure, Chris White, v.p. of programming and production, rises to executive producer.
For Tess Vigeland, a leap out of the host’s seat inspired a book.
WEAA and WYPR tried to make the most of their limited staffs and resources.
The weekly hourlong show will be “built around The New Yorker’s award-winning writers, artists, and editors.”
NPR’s monthly podcast downloads increased 42 percent from 2013 to 2014, according to the study.