Reactions to the Sesame Street–HBO deal

Screenshot from Sesame Street's parody of HBO's Game of Thrones.

The big news about Sesame Street — that premieres will air exclusively on HBO and that PBS dropped the hourlong version of the show — has sparked both strong and light-hearted reactions.

On the HBO deal:

On the move to 30-minute shows:

Reddit users are also having their say here and here. And you can add your reaction below.

3 thoughts on “Reactions to the Sesame Street–HBO deal

  1. Sesame Workshop is making a big deal out of increasing the episode count from 18 annually to 35. So, what we’re talking about here is 35 half-hours instead of 18 hours?

    One of these things is not like the others.

  2. This will give the Kill Big Bird crowd something to crow about. “See, when you let the private sector do it, we don’t need to spend all that taxpayer money on PBS.” Truly sad.

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