Beyond 180 Days: How to Go from the Date to the Altar

180 Days

Presenter: Amy Shumaker, e.p., South Carolina ETV

Wednesday 4:50-5:35 p.m.

Level 3, Lone Star Salon B

Hashtag: #180DaysPBS

The National Black Programming Consortium and South Carolina ETV will inspire a robust conversation for session attendees about the engagement activities, impact, and sustainability around the PBS special 180 Days: Hartsville. American Graduate stations and 10 non-American Graduate station grantees created new partnerships and impactful engagement activities this year exploring public education reform and issues around students of poverty. This session will provide insight into how stations can turn the community screenings and discussions into action. Participants will share innovative engagement activities that took place around the broadcast that can be used for future American Graduate work.

Hear from the executive producers of the film, station grantees and American Graduate leadership about how producers and stations turned the “first date” into a “walk down the aisle” to what we believe will be a long, successful “marriage.” We’ll discuss ways to engage new partners and sustaining those relationships along with innovative ways to utilize 180 Days: Hartsville well beyond the broadcast.

We’ll explore the 180 Days Game, a new interactive experience that was designed in conjunction with the 180 Days: Hartsville documentary, to help more people accurately understand the state of public education today and the challenges and opportunities that come with trying to support the holistic development of children. Early analytics show that this engagement tool is a useful way to continue thoughtful dialogue about the themes in the program and PBS stations’ ongoing American Graduate work.

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