Newsrooms ramp up audience engagement tactics for coronavirus coverage
Public media’s largest and smallest newsrooms find that coverage shaped by listeners and readers invites more participation and builds trust.
Current (https://current.org/tag/hearken/)
Public media’s largest and smallest newsrooms find that coverage shaped by listeners and readers invites more participation and builds trust.
The Community Listening Engagement Fund awarded $241,000 to subsidize costs of platforms that help newsrooms integrate journalism into their communities.
A new grant-making initiative will subsidize costs for newsrooms to adopt the Hearken and GroundSource platforms.
The founder of Hearken argues that the processes by which most journalism is created are not nearly as democratic as they could (and now need to) be.
The funding will help the company double its staff in the next year and develop new features.
You can help set our editorial agenda. What do you want to know?
The newsrooms are the latest to adopt the platform, which lets the public assign and collaborate on news stories.