NPR cuts Krulwich blog from website

After a four-year run, science correspondent Robert Krulwich’s blog on, Krulwich Wonders, will end Sept. 30 as the network seeks to cut costs.

“NPR (in the form of a super-top executive) sat me down and, after four years of generously supporting this blog, told me it can’t anymore,” Krulwich wrote in a blog post Wednesday. “It needs to cut costs and — you know the phrase — it has chosen to go ‘in new directions.’ So at the end of this month, Krulwich Wonders will no longer appear on NPR’s website.”

In a statement, NPR said the blog started as part of NPR’s agreement to distribute Radiolab, which Krulwich co-hosts. As that show has grown, it has taken up more of Krulwich’s time, according to NPR, and the decision was made over the summer to end the blog.

“With the renegotiation of the Radiolab contract this summer, it was decided that Robert’s blog on, ‘Krulwich Wonders,’ would conclude at the end of this month,” NPR’s statement said.

Krulwich will continue to host Radiolab.

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