Executive Compensation
The numbers: What top executives are making
Check out salaries for executives at stations in the top 25 broadcast markets and at national organizations.
Current (https://current.org/series/executive-compensation/)
Current’s first survey of executive compensation in public media spans radio and TV stations in the top 25 broadcast markets, plus leaders of national networks and organizations. Like women in the overall workforce, women in top public media management jobs are making less than their male counterparts and are under-represented. Meanwhile, we found some disagreement within the system about whether CPB actually compels all chief executives to make their salaries public. (Money photo: Tracy O, via Flickr/Creative Commons)
Check out salaries for executives at stations in the top 25 broadcast markets and at national organizations.
A change to CPB’s Community Service Grant provisions aims at having all eligible stations post salary information for top executives on their websites.
Women hold fewer top jobs and receive about 83 percent of what their male counterparts are paid.
A few more ways of looking at the numbers.