NPR shortens ‘It’s Been a Minute’ broadcast, adds ‘Wild Card’
The two shows will combine for a broadcast hour carried by more than 370 stations.
Current (
The two shows will combine for a broadcast hour carried by more than 370 stations.
Chicago journalists Melissa Harris and Mary Schmich teamed up to discover what happened to people who spoke to Terkel of their hopes and dreams.
“The bill as written would make it impossible for us to defend or protect any of the existing contracts that we have on all of the productions that we do,” said Susan Ramsey, director of communications for Iowa PBS.
By accepting the gifts, stations have the potential to draw younger donors who give more generously.
The confirmed members are Elizabeth Sembler, Tom Rothman and Laura Gore Ross.
The CPB funds are allowing participating stations to expand management training that wasn’t previously possible with tight budgets.
Gilbert Bailon, KERA’s new executive editor, was editor-in-chief of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
The donors include the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the Chicago Community Trust and the Joyce Foundation.
Ghee joined PBS in 2014 and most recently worked as director of early learning program development.
“January 6 crystallized this — this was not just something where a politician was throwing out spin. This goes beyond anything we have experienced.”
Through a partnership with the company Epilogg, the station is offering a platform for shareable video obituaries.