Looking for the helpers? That’s all of us
You can donate to support public media colleagues who are recovering from the devastation of L.A.’s wildfires.
Current (https://current.org/current-mentioned-sources/yowei-shaw/page/76/)
You can donate to support public media colleagues who are recovering from the devastation of L.A.’s wildfires.
“After more than three decades, my career at the BBC is drawing to a close,” Iqbal said.
“Clearly, the path to diversifying audiences for our organizations involves a robust digital strategy in addition to making our radio programming welcoming to listeners from all backgrounds and ethnicities,” writes the leader of Classical KING FM.
Miller had previously worked as the station’s production director.
“We need to give people hope, because there’s so much just negativity.”
Through a content-sharing partnership that launched in 2013, OPB’s newsroom is helping newspapers deliver valuable coverage to their readers.
Michael Garofalo, who worked for StoryCorps from 2004–18, rejoined the nonprofit.
We need your help identifying rising stars in the system so we can amplify their voices, ideas and experiences.
“‘If you build it, they will come’ isn’t really a strong strategy in an era of competing algorithms and news consumption silos,” said News Director Jenna Dooley.
The Harrisburg-based public media organization will receive several newspapers from Steinman Communications.
The deal with Hulu continues PBS’ efforts to make its programs accessible to people who don’t watch broadcast television.