New AIR initiative supports experiments with live events

CHICAGO — The Association of Independents in Radio will fund independent producers to develop innovative live events.

The Localore Live initiative will provide eight to 10 “microgrants” of $10,000 to $15,000, AIR CEO Sue Schardt announced Saturday at the Third Coast International Audio Festival in Chicago.

“Be thinking about, how would you take your podcast into the physical space?” Schardt told attendees. “How would you take a physical event into the broadcast or podcast platform? Those are some things to be thinking about.”

AIR developed the initiative to build on research that highlighted the importance of live events in helping public media expand service, Schardt told Current.

AIR will begin accepting applications for the grants early next year. It will encourage applicants to partner with public broadcasters or community organizations on proposals.

The MacArthur Foundation and the Wyncote Foundation are funding the initiative. (Wyncote is also a funder of Current.)

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