Yore departs Marketplace as APM pares executive ranks

J.J. Yore, a veteran producer credited as a creator of the public radio show Marketplace, was one of three senior executives riffed June 17 from American Public Media, the Minnesota-based company that produces the series.

Yore, who rose up through the production ranks to become v.p. and g.m. of the weeknightly business and economics show two years ago, will be succeeded by Deborah Clark, executive producer who steps up into the role of v.p.

APM also eliminated positions of Mary Pat Ladner, v.p. of marketing, and Kathy Golbuff, v.p. of underwriting. An APM spokesperson described the restructuring as a move to eliminate layers of management and organize the company around an “Audiences First” strategy.

Clark has worked for Marketplace over two stints since 1995, and APM expects her to move the show forward “business as usual,” Mardi Larson, spokesperson, wrote in an email confirming the layoffs. “We thank J.J. for his valuable and lasting contributions to our company’s mission and audience service, and we wish him well in his next career opportunity.”

Yore’s departure is the third set of job cuts to hit Marketplace‘s staff since last July. Bob Moon was laid off from his position as senior business correspondent four months ago. And company-wide layoffs imposed in July 2012 included a pink slip for John Dimsdale, who had been Marketplace’s Washington bureau chief.

The realignment that APM announced to staff June 17 creates two new divisions, according to Larson: audience development, which will focus on “attracting new, larger and more diverse audiences,” and business development, which will focus on earned revenues.

Efforts to reach Yore for comment were not successful.

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