CPB Board recognizes retiring IG Konz

The CPB Board today honored retiring CPB Inspector General Kenneth Konz with a resolution of appreciation for his service in the post since 1998. Konz told the board he arrived 15 years ago thinking he’d stay for two years. “This has been a collegial, wonderful group of people to work with,” Konz said. “I am sure with the people I leave here and the new inspector general, the office will continue in good hands and continue to have a good relationship with CPB.”

The independent office audits CPB grants, investigates complaints from citizens, promotes efficiency and works to deter fraud, waste and mismanagement in CPB programs and operations. One of Konz’s more high-profile reports following a six-month investigation in 2005  found that former CPB Board Chair Kenneth Tomlinson repeatedly violated provisions of both the Public Broadcasting Act and the corporation’s guidelines for board members’ behavior and led to Tomlinson’s resignation.

The CPB Board is interviewing IG candidates at its meetings in Washington, D.C., today and Tuesday.

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