Science Friday settles tradmark lawsuit over creationist Real Science Friday

The production company behind NPR’s popular Science Friday has reached a settlement in its trademark infringement lawsuit filed against Colorado preacher Bob Enyart and his show, Real Science Friday, which has now been rebranded Real Science Radio, the National Center for Science Education reports.

In a Dec. 28 letter to the court, Manhattan-based Sciencefriday Inc., the company behind the show heard on more than 300 NPR stations, and Bob Enyart Inc. said a settlement had been reached but terms of the deal were sealed. The main visible concession seemed to be name change of the show.

The lawsuit was filed in the Supreme Court State of New York, County of New York in Manhattan Nov. 9, 2012, and was later transferred to the U.S. District Court for Western New York.

Enyart and his cost Fred Williams host the show in question, a creationist-centered program described as being, “about science to debunk evolution and to show the evidence for the creator God including from biology, geology, astronomy, and physics.” A companion website to the show,, was accused in the lawsuit of cybersquatting in an effort to drive web traffic from people looking for the NPR show to Enyart’s main website, kgov.gom.

Enyart attempted to frame the show as parody. The former iteration of the website said: “Don’t Be Fooled by NPR’s parody titled Science Friday ;) Welcome to the REAL Science Friday with co-hosts Fred Williams and Bob Enyart who talk about science to debunk evolution and to show the evidence for the creator God including from biology, geology, astronomy, and physics.”

On Monday, entering the url prompted a redirect page that said: “If you are looking for Bob Enyart Live, please visit You should be redirected to the page you are looking for momentarily.” The page then redirects to the Real Science Radio homepage.

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