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You can donate to support public media colleagues who are recovering from the devastation of L.A.’s wildfires.
Current (https://current.org/current-mentioned-stations/pbs-kansas/page/101/)
You can donate to support public media colleagues who are recovering from the devastation of L.A.’s wildfires.
Agnew became the station’s GM after working as executive director for Mississippi Public Broadcasting.
NPR business desk editor Pallavi Gogoi will step up to acting managing editor of daily reporting.
The $1.2 million deal combines a cash payment and $525,000 donation to the public broadcaster.
“Our handling of story ideas can have built-in defenses against the biases that all of us bring to work every day.”
Georgia Public Broadcasting and Prairie Public Broadcasting in North Dakota will participate in the initiative.
The series, which launches this month, coincides with LGBT History Month and Transgender Awareness Week in November.
“We have a strong program that’s … really closing that gap,” says the organization’s new executive director. “But it’s not supported enough by organizations that need the diversity and … have the funding to help us invest in that.”
“He’s a veteran public radio leader and broadcaster who has nimbly led through significant industry shifts of the last 20 years,” NYPR’s board chair said.
The PBS Kids show’s puppets are hopping on board the nostalgic transport in the show’s second season.