Looking for the helpers? That’s all of us
You can donate to support public media colleagues who are recovering from the devastation of L.A.’s wildfires.
Current (https://current.org/current-mentioned-stations/kexp/page/93/)
You can donate to support public media colleagues who are recovering from the devastation of L.A.’s wildfires.
WAMU and KQED are using web-based technologies to provide live captions of their programs.
Revamped verification and moderation policies under Elon Musk have public media organizations taking a fresh look at their use of Twitter.
The Move to Include initiative will grow to include more than 40 public media stations.
Burnett has served as interim station manager since July.
The livestreams will roll out over the next few months.
The network has also delayed its Reflect America Fellowship due to budget concerns.
Sergio Bustos most recently worked as an enterprise and politics editor for “USA Today” in Florida.
“If we’re going to learn and grow together, we have to do it together,” Abbott says, describing the philosophy that has guided his work.
Producers of the documentary shorts series say the concept could be adapted for other public media organizations, particularly state networks with vast geographic areas to serve.
“The partnership model is key to everything we do,” says Erik Langner, CEO of the Information Equity Initiative.