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You can donate to support public media colleagues who are recovering from the devastation of L.A.’s wildfires.
Current (https://current.org/current-mentioned-stations/gpb/page/79/)
You can donate to support public media colleagues who are recovering from the devastation of L.A.’s wildfires.
In addition to rethinking its editorial workflow, the newsroom aims to build a staff that closely mirrors the demographics of Boston by 2027.
“I just never thought this was my thing and so I sort of fell into it,” says music director Bill Sherman. “But now I just love it.”
An agreement between KET and Public Media Connect is the first in which separately owned public broadcasting networks are cooperating on an ATSC 3.0 launch.
“Chicanas who stepped up to the microphone for the first time were not only hearing their own voices audibly broadcasted over public airwaves, they also were announcing the arrival of a sonically distinct Chicana public sphere.”
The news service will be transformative for Ampers, as well as “a very needed product and project for the citizens of Minnesota,” CEO Joel Glaser said.
Jonathan Blakley stepped up from interim to permanent chief content officer for WYPR.
Some stations have also announced that they’re leaving the social media platform.
“The partnership … allows us to expand sponsorship categories to get more business,” says Gina Garrubbo, CEO of National Public Media.
The station’s board voted unanimously to promote Marshall.
Erika Dilday, who leads American Documentary, was named a co-director and co-producer for the upcoming “Emancipation to Exodus.”