NPR shortens ‘It’s Been a Minute’ broadcast, adds ‘Wild Card’
The two shows will combine for a broadcast hour carried by more than 370 stations.
Current (
The two shows will combine for a broadcast hour carried by more than 370 stations.
Chicago journalists Melissa Harris and Mary Schmich teamed up to discover what happened to people who spoke to Terkel of their hopes and dreams.
The partnership gives LAist access to CBS Los Angeles’ live newscasts, online livestreams and press conference coverage.
The former “Morning Editor” host is leaving NPR after a 40-year tenure.
“A strong app or polished social media presence won’t compensate for a lack of meaningful, locally relevant content.”
Senior Field Correspondent Nina Kravinsky, a former NPR producer, is reporting from the station’s news bureau in Hermosillo.
Lansman’s “fingerprints and thumbprint were all over” community radio, said community media organizer Nan Rubin.
Defunding CPB would devastate smaller stations, particularly those reliant on critical systems like the Public Radio Satellite System, the Emergency Alert System and SoundExchange agreements.
“Our board of directors and staff are grateful for Maxie Jackson’s contributions and service to the organization,” the station said in a statement.
You can donate to support public media colleagues who are recovering from the devastation of L.A.’s wildfires.
Rayvid helped WQED in Pittsburgh become a premier station for children’s programming.
CPM CEO Melissa Bell called the decision “proactive.”