Jenner, Vigeland. (Jenner photo: City of Santa Clarita)
What would make you give up on your dream gig? Former Marketplace Money host Tess Vigeland had to answer that question for herself.
“Marketplace was the place that I wanted to be from the very beginning of my career,” Vigeland told me on The Pub. “I could not believe that I was sitting in that chair.”
“It was where I was meant to be, and I did not want to leave. But for all kinds of reasons, I felt like I had to,” she said.
Since stepping down in November 2012, Vigeland has been readying her book, “Leap Without A Net: Leaving A Job With No Plan B,” which comes out August 25. Not only does she tell her story, but also stories of other people who voluntarily walked away and lived to tell the tale.
If you’re feeling itchy in your seat and thinking about a career change, don’t leap until you listen to this interview!
Also on this week’s show:
- Bruce Jenner reignites the debate over how news organizations should refer to transgender people
- Robert Drechsel, director of the Center for Journalism Ethics at the University of Wisconsin, considers WNET’s recently-received $20 million grant to fight anti-Semitism, and the ethical pitfalls of donors directing coverage priorities
Be in the audience when The Pub records a live show at the PBS Annual Meeting in Austin on May 12! We’ll be talking about ways to expand public television’s audience. Reserve your seats here.
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Adam Ragusea hosts Current’s weekly podcast The Pub and is a journalist in residence and visiting assistant professor at Mercer University’s Center for Collaborative Journalism.