4 thoughts on “Ken Mills, public radio blogger and consultant, dies at 75

  1. Ken was an absolutely brilliant partner on a wide variety of pubradio projects that I worked on…and more broadly a passionate advocate for the medium. He had an innate understanding of the audience’s needs, desires and interests, and could always accurately predict the success or failure of any particular project under the microscope. An advocate of the “common shared experience” in the face of technology’s fracturing of audiences amid the creation of opinion echo chambers, he never wavered in his determination that pubradio could serve as the nation’s fireside. At one point, we hoped to offer a noon radio edition of the PBS NewsHour to NPR affiliates. Ken loved the idea, and did all the research to back the concept, but sadly it never took wing. A good man who will be sadly missed.

  2. I am sad to learn of Ken’s passing.
    Back when he published his weekly newsletter, it was a must-read, packed with juicy radio news and stats about how stations were doing in the ratings. I would often post in the comments and our lively discussions would continue offline. That’s how we became friends. I will always remember Ken fondly! May he rest in peace.

  3. Ken was my DJ guru when he was on-air in Pipestone, MN in the 1969-1972 timeframe. I had a show just up the road in Brookings, SD (“4 Hours of Rock” on KBRK-FM). His knowledge of contemporary music and how to program it was prodigious. And that whispery voice! It was the antithesis of the basso-profundo that dominated the era in popular radio. He was a good soul.

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