Current’s 2021 Public Media Salary Survey

Earlier this year, we asked our readers to take an anonymous survey about what they earn as a public media employee. We received more than 1,900 responses. Below, you can enter your salary and use the filters to explore the results and see how you compare to similar public media professionals. Read more about our key findings and email us with any questions, comments and observations.

This survey was conducted as part of On the Money, our special coverage of money in pubmedia.

Thanks to Eric R. Schuler, quantitative/computational research methodologist with American University, who advised us on designing and fielding the survey.

8 thoughts on “Current’s 2021 Public Media Salary Survey

  1. My job title is pretty standard, but I cannot complete the survey because it doesn’t match anything in the database.

  2. Why is it that the Traffic department and staff are ALWAYS ignored on EVERYTHING? We get no support from training to conferences, to being included in lists such as the above. We are our own department in most cases yet we get no support across the entire PBS/NPR system.

    • Hi Rhonda, it’s true that traffic roles aren’t listed in the “Role Type” drop-down menu. However, if you search for “traffic” in the “Search by Job Title/Keyword” field you’ll see a few dozen jobs. I hope this helps!

  3. I know this is a few years old, but thank you for this! It makes the salary part of interviewing so much easier and makes me feel like I’m not crazy for turning down a producer role that paid less than $40k. Plus, the organizer in me is THRILLED that there are so many ways to filter the results!

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