‘Made Possible By…’ #16: Producer and station leader Marita Rivero

Rivero and Theuri

Marita Rivero is now the executive director of the Museum of African American History in Boston. But her career in public media included a start at WGBH in the early 1970s; a long stretch as GM at WPFW, the Pacifica station in Washington, D.C.; and a return to WGBH for a leadership position that included managing WGBH Radio.

That’s where Ciku Theuri works as a producer for Morning Edition. This episode of Made Possible By… brings them together.

“I like to think public broadcasting is like anything else, it’s a reflection of the rest of the country,” Rivero says. “We like to talk about what the Ferguson police look like, but we don’t like so much turning around and seeing what our own boards look like. We have as much to do as anyone else — we’re a whole society trying to move ourselves forward.”

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