NPR realigns digital news and desk editors

Several NPR digital news editors will report to their respective desk editors starting Monday in a move aimed at better integrating the network’s digital and broadcast journalism, NPR announced Friday.

The change will enable digital editors to work more closely with reporters and editors in their coverage areas, Managing Editor Sara Goo wrote in an all-staff note. It will also help with setting deadlines and team planning of coverage.

“For some time, our newsroom has not been consistent with how we’ve structured our digital news resources, particularly when it comes to editing,” Goo wrote in the announcement.

The change affects the following staffers:

  • Digital editor Avie Schneider will report to Business Desk editor Pallavi Gogoi;
  • Business reporter Alina Selyukh will also report to Gogoi and cover retail and technology for both digital and radio.
  • International digital editor Hannah Bloch and a vacant digital editor position will report to International editor Will Dobson.
  • National digital editor Tanya Ballard Brown will join Amita Kelly in reporting to Senior National Editor Vickie Walton-James. Brown will work closely with the criminal justice team.

NPR wants digital editors to “own digital” and reporters to have a clear point of contact for digital coverage. “These changes bring the National, International and Business desks into a structure that is more consistent with how the Washington, Science and Arts desks are configured,” according to the announcement.

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