Wednesday roundup: Lessons from Radiotopia’s Kickstarter; Scharpling readies his podcast

• Josh Stearns breaks down “10 Lessons Learned from the Radiotopia Crowdfunding Campaign,” including “sell the values,” “create unique rewards” and “let yourself get emotional.” “The Radiotopia campaign was suffused with emotion and it was contagious,” Stearns writes. “Through the public messaging of the campaign (which often vacillated between carefully orchestrated and free-wheeling) we saw the team celebrate, cringe, worry, laugh, love.” The campaign wrapped up Nov. 14 after raising $620,000.

• The New York Times checks in with Tom Scharpling, formerly host of The Best Show on WFMU, about his plans to relaunch the cult-hit radio show as a podcast. After quitting the WFMU show, for which he received no pay, Scharpling “realized he had to make the show his priority,” according to the Times. “Rather than look at it like a calling card or a fun sideline thing, what if I do it like it’s the real thing?” he said.

• Hey, a St. Louis Public Radio producer lost her microphone the other day. Anyone seen it?

• Some listeners to public radio’s Splendid Table heard host Lynne Rossetto Kasper get pranked on her annual “Turkey Confidential” episode. We’ll refrain from quoting the sexual lingo the caller managed to get by screeners, but this tweet and Reddit thread capture the exchange. If you have to look anything up, Google with care!


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