Buffalo’s WNED changes management responsibilities, prompting layoff

WNED in Buffalo, N.Y., is tweaking its management of programming, resulting in one layoff.

Gabe DiMaio, who programmed classical WNED-FM, confirmed to Current Thursday that his position was eliminated. He previously served as assistant program director at WBFO-FM, the broadcaster’s NPR News station, as well as producer and local host for All Things Considered. He’s also secretary for the board of the Public Radio Programming Directors Association.

Ron Santora, WNED’s v.p. of broadcasting, is adding radio programming to his portfolio. Starting in September, new hire Brian Meyer, a former Buffalo News reporter, will direct the WBFO newsroom.

The station made the changes to create a more efficient management structure, said Chief Programming Officer John Grant. Executives began considering the shifts when Station Manager/News Director Jim Ranney departed in March to direct communications for New York state Sen. Patrick Gallivan.

The station will post a new opening for a morning news producer in a few weeks, Grant said.

WNED purchased WBFO, the dominant NPR News station in the region, for $4 million in 2011 from the State University of New York’s University at Buffalo.

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