NPR names new v.p. for member partnership

NPR has promoted Gemma Hooley to v.p. for member partnership, succeeding Joyce MacDonald, who has been assigned new responsibilities in sponsorship and marketing.

Hooley previously served as senior director of member partnership. She joined NPR in 2000 as a program services associate and later worked as manager of station relations.

MacDonald retains her title as NPR chief of staff while taking on management of NPR’s relationship with National Public Media, the sponsorship sales group that provides marketing and distribution services for public radio and television. NPM President Steve Moss will report directly to MacDonald.

MacDonald began her career in local radio ad sales and managed national ad sales as v.p. of affiliate marketing at Sony Networks before joining NPR in 1999. She became v.p. of NPR’s member and audience partnership division in 2008.

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