Citizen Koch ends Kickstarter campaign with more than double its goal

Citizen Koch, a documentary about the influence of money in politics, closed its 30-day Kickstarter campaign with more than double its initial fundraising goal.

The film raised $169,522, surpassing its goal of $75,000. The money collected will be used to complete postproduction and for distribution and licensing costs.

Directors Carl Deal and Tia Lessin took to Kickstarter after a dispute with the Independent Television Service over withdrawn financial support. ITVS reps say that Deal and Lessin changed the documentary’s storyline after ITVS approved $150,000 in funding. Deal and Lessin accused ITVS of withdrawing funding due to fears that the film would displease billionaire David Koch, who had previously withdrawn a large planned donation to New York’s WNET.

One thought on “Citizen Koch ends Kickstarter campaign with more than double its goal

  1. Koch brothers have been mentioned as sponsors to Nova, WGBH and WNET for years. Its just that when Occupy talk about Koch brothers its automatically a conspiracy or when the Tea Party talk about Soros its a conspiracy. How are these 3 billionaires any different from other billionaires that push agendas to lobbyists and congress? Look at KVIE/APT’s America’s Heartland that show is sponsored by Monsanto board and they push farming subsidies laws to congress or Chevron the sponsor of KQED programming the board of Chevron pushes pro fracking laws.

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