PBS eyeing weekend editions of PBS NewsHour, produced at WNET

The New York Times is quoting unnamed pubTV employees who say that PBS is close to a decision on adding weekend broadcasts of PBS NewsHour for the first time since the show began in 1975. The programs would be produced at WNET in New York City instead of longtime presenting station WETA in Arlington, Va., the report said.

The NewsHour employees also told the Times that program producer MacNeil-Lehrer Productions is facing a shortfall of up to $7 million this fiscal year from what had been a $28 million budget.

In the proposed deal, PBS would provide $3 million to WNET to produce the weekend shows.

WNET and NewsHour officials declined comment to the Times. Michael Jones, PBS c.o.o., said, “We aren’t announcing any new programming at this time.”

One thought on “PBS eyeing weekend editions of PBS NewsHour, produced at WNET

  1. What “Newshour” should do, whether or not it expands to seven days a week, is for it to be broadcast live on PBS at 8 P.M. Eastern time.

    The United States is one of the few countries without at least one over-the-air TV network broadcasting a national news broadcast in prime-time.

    It may actually attract more viewers in prime time, since in many cities, it is currently seen at 6 P.M. Eastern time, where it goes up against local and network news on commercial network affiliates.

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