WTTW captures seven Midwest Emmys, Wisconsin Public TV wins a pair

The Chicago station topped several program categories, and its staff took awards for individual achievements in television crafts.

Architect Michael Graves: A Grand Tour won for outstanding cultural documentary. It was produced by Daniel Andries with associate producer Elizabeth Reeves and executive producers Dan Soles and V.J. McAleer. Andries and Geoffrey Baer, who wrote the program, received Emmys for outstanding crafts achievement off-air.

WTTW's Geoffrey Baer, left, and Daniel Andries, celebrate multiple Emmys awarded to their documentary on architect Michael Graves. WTTW won a total of seven Emmys in the 2012 Midwest regional contest.

WTTW’s Geoffrey Baer, left, and Daniel Andries, celebrate multiple Emmys awarded to their documentary on architect Michael Graves.

WTTW’s Kindred, produced by Michael Sternoff, Beth Bennett, Scott Lamps, Marl McLennan, Marnie Sprenger, Maria Bain Ferraro, Jaclyn Foutz, Aj Gomberg and Susan Buchanan, was named outstanding topical documentary. A segment produced by Baer for Chicago Tonight, “En Route,” won for best magazine program feature/section. “Reporting for Service with Bryan Anderson,” produced by David Price with e.p.’s Brian Musburger and David Berg and host Bryan Anderson, topped the category of human interest programming. Additional Emmys for television craft were awarded to Tom Godar for lighting on a composite entry and Tim Boyd for photography on Jeanne Gang: The Sky’s the Limit.

Wisconsin Public Television’s “Wisconsin: Torn in Two,” reported and produced by Frederica Freyberg with Christine Sloan-Miller, e.p., received the Emmy for politics/government feature or series. “What’s on Your Mind, Wisconsin?” (Adam Schrager, reporter/producer; Sloan-Miller, e.p.) won as best public affairs/current affairs program.

The Chicago/Midwest Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences presented the Emmys during a Nov. 18 awards ceremony in Chicago.

This article was first published in Current, Jan. 14, 2013.

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