WNET announces arts content sharing system

WNET in New York City is offering an arts and culture content management sharing system for video and web content, mainly among Major Market Group (MMG) stations. The first package of programming is being delivered to stations today (Sept. 4). Content will cover performing and visual arts and feature interviews with a geographically diverse and creatively broad group of artists, writers, composers and performers, “allowing local arts and culture institutions and local funders to get their stories out to a national audience,” the station said in an Aug. 27 announcement.

Each half-hour broadcast package will include a line-up, script, video segments, credit roll, music and graphics, sent three weeks prior to air. Local stations can present the show as is, or modify it. Stations may also insert any of the arts segments into existing local shows.WNET will maintain a arts and culture website for member stations to access video content, feeds and interactive features. The site will contain templates and graphics that member stations may use to create their own, localized arts and culture websites. The cost is $14,500 per station for the first year, according to WNET spokesperson Harry Forbes.

Diane Masciale is executive producer of the MMG Arts and Culture Content Management Sharing System, with Producer Ally Gimbel and Associate Producer Andrea Vasquez. John Servidio is executive in charge. For the digital platforms, Dan Greenberg is general manager.

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