Ahoy, NPR journos!

Public Radio at Sea, a cruise that’s “a celebration of the exceptional programming and beloved personalities of NPR,” sets sail next March.

“Presumably,” notes MSNBC.com, “karaoke, comedy acts and belly flop contests will not be part of the itinerary.”

NPR journalists including All Things Considered host Michele Norris will be onboard the “all suite, all balcony” ship, which will visit ports in China, Vietnam and Thailand.

“This isn’t like going to a radio station event where you hear [PBS NewsHour host] Jim Lehrer talk for 20 minutes and then go home,” Kevin Corcoran, president of Artful Travelers, which helped organize the event, told MSNBC.com. “You’re sailing with these people for two weeks; it creates this level of intimacy where you get to know them and understand what makes them tick.”

“It’s an opportunity for fans to get to know our journalists, how they do their work and what that experience is like,” said Dana Davis Rehm, NPR spokesperson. “The hope is that they’ll step forward and be more generous in the future.”

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