Pondering media impact? Sparkwise, a free cloud-based measurement tool from Berkeley, Calif.-based design agency Tomorrow Partners, “provides you with a blueprint of exactly where your online presence has the most impact, where you should promote your projects, and areas where you may be deficient in attracting your audience,” according to the Center for Social Media. Users create widgets to aggregate and analyze metrics and data including website traffic, Google mentions, Tweets, Facebook likes, YouTube and Vimeo views. It’s designed for filmmakers, activists, journalists, funders, programmers, community organizers and change agents.
Editor’s note: This post originally reported that Sparkwise was a collaboration between Tomorrow Partners and BAVC (Bay Area Video Coalition). While BAVC was involved with the initial idea of an impact dashboard, they are not a partner in Sparkwise, according to Gaby Brink, founder and executive creative director of Tomorrow Partners.