Washington Post exec Bo Jones to take helm of MacNeil/Lehrer Productions

MacNeil/Lehrer Productions has hired a new president and c.e.o., Boisfeuillet “Bo” Jones Jr., who has spent the last 32 years in executive positions at the Washington Post Co. “It is a happy day for us in public broadcasting,” said Robert MacNeil in a statement. “We welcome a man of such rich experience in journalism management to help us keep MacNeil/Lehrer Productions and PBS NewsHour vital into the future.”

“Bo Jones is the ideal person to take us where we must go,” said Jim Lehrer, who stepped down from the anchor chair in June. “He has a unique combination of journalistic integrity and business acumen, plus he understands Americans’ increasing demand for serious journalism about the issues and events that matter.” 

Jones is currently vice chairman of the Washington Post Co. and chairman of the Washington Post newspaper. Over the years he has served as vice president and counsel, president and general manager, and publisher and c.e.o. As president of MacNeil/Lehrer Productions, Jones will head corporate and foundation funding for the multiplatform show, coordinate relationships with pubTV broadcast and distribution entities, and oversee development of documentary programs and projects.

“Like millions of others, I am a huge fan of the NewsHour,” Jones said. He starts Jan. 1, 2012. (Image: MacNeil/Lehrer Productions)

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