Hey pubradio stations: Got tunes for your pledge drive? You do now

WUWF Public Media in Pensacola, Fla., has compiled 12 songs singing the praises of pubradio for its Public Radio Song Project, and is offering the music free to stations in time for fall pledge drives.

Joe Vincenza, station manager and program director, came up with the idea about three years ago. “The collection of tunes took a little longer to gather than we originally thought since we were relying completely on the good intentions of the writers to pen, produce, and record a tune worthy of inclusion, without any monetary compensation from us,” he told Current. “A lot of the artists coming through town said they loved the idea, but this group represents the ones who followed through and made the project a reality.”

Such as Jack Norton and his jaunty Hot Dog! I Love Public Radio.

And Joe Peoples, who sings, “Well come on you all, dig a little deeper, this in NPR, you know we gotta keep her, and when they reach that goal they’ll quit begging … “

Vincenza said stations may include the tunes in pledge breaks, play them as a set, or use them in any way they’d like, during fundraising or anytime.

Stations may access the music directly at the Public Radio Song Project website. For more information contact Vincenza here.

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