Fighting budget cuts with TALENT WAR$

WVPT in Harrisonburg, Va., is hoping an online talent contest helps them raise money to restore state cuts to their budget, reports the Augusta Free Press in Waynesboro, Va. Viewers can post videos showcasing their unique abilities at TALENT WAR$ @wvpt. Visitors view the films, select their favorite and “vote” for it by making a donation to WVPT on the site. Every dollar donated equals one vote for the video. The three participants with the most $1 votes by Jan. 3, 2012, win a first place award of $3,000; second place, $2,000; and third place, $1,000.

As of July 1, cuts in state funding for pubcasting resulted in a loss of more than $200,000 for the station, said David Mullins, president and g.m. “By raising support from our communities, we’re helping ensure that we can continue to deliver the valued programs and services that we’ve provided for the last 43 years,” he said. “We hope that as people become aware of the contest and communicate about it through Facebook, Twitter and other social media, it will become a popular contest for participants.”

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