Cornish describes a new vibe for NPR’s ‘Weekend Edition Sunday’

NPR’s Weekend Edition Sunday was originally conceived as the Sunday newspaper, but new host Audie Cornish wants it to be more like Sunday brunch, she tells Ad Week. “The kind of brunch I go to usually involves some alcohol, usually involves people telling stories and talking about what happened the week before, and what’s going to happen, and did you see this movie? I want that kind of energy.” Cornish also describes her approach for combating NPR’s stereotype for wide-eyed earnestness: “One of the things to think about is, if you find yourself saying ‘This is something our audience would like,’ you should just back away from the table, because you’re doing something that you think NPR sounds like.” After being appointed to succeed longtime host Liane Hansen in May, Cornish’s first broadcast at the helm aired Sept. 4.

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