New Jersey Network transfer bumped to July 1

New Jersey officials expect to transfer the New Jersey Network pubcasting network to a new overseer on July 1, three months later than originally projected, according to the Star-Ledger. A spokesperson for Montclair State University confirmed it would bid on at least one, if not all, of the three proposals. Richard Stockton College, also in New Jersey, had been considering a bid but may be dropping out. (UPDATE: The Press of Atlantic City is reporting Stockton will not bid.) Sharon Schulman, director of the William J. Hughes Center for Public Policy at Stockton, said Tuesday (Feb. 8) that “nothing will be turned over to us. They’re keeping the licenses.” That would make the deal more of an operational management contract than a sale, reports Shore News Today. The paper says other potential bidders include WNET, WNYC, WHYY, WBGO and production company Caucus Educational Corporation.

The RFPs seeking bidders to manage the TV network, purchase or manage the radio network, were released Feb. 4. Gov. Chris Christie wants NJN off state support due to a budget crunch (Current, July 6, 2010).

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