Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.), who reintroduced two bills to defund public broadcasting last week, is engaging in a war of words with NPR.
The Hill reports that in an e-mailed response to his legislation, NPR called Lamborn’s goal misguided and said it would insert the federal government into news decisions at local stations. “It seems ironic that Congressman Lamborn, who seeks to withdraw federal support for public radio, wants federal legislators in turn to assert control over how local public radio stations can make use of programming funds,” NPR said.
Then Lamborn e-mailed a statement to the conservative Daily Caller website to disagree. “Within NPR, some bizarrely claim that my efforts are aimed at controlling and influencing the editorial content of NPR,” he said. “Nothing could be further from the truth. I believe removing federal funding from NPR would give the news organization greater, not less, editorial freedom than they currently enjoy.”
After NPR’s latest gaffe by announcing the death of Rep. Giffords without an adequate or reliable source or multiple sources, NPR News is showing that it rushes to present so-called news. Lamborn one Round 1 and will likely win de-funding of, at least, NPR.
Without the Federal money, local stations can do local news and not need to rely on the opinionated news from an incompetent national orgainzation.