Dues review committee still considering system input, Kerger says

The recommendations of the PBS membership dues review committee are not a done deal, PBS President Paula Kerger told NETA attendees in Nashville. “It’s not a case of the train has left the station and is gone.” And Kerger noted that PBS and the committee are aware of concerns in the system, particularly regarding the older population figures used in the dues formula. The committee is meeting Friday (Jan. 14) in Washington, D.C. to examine the station feedback, and there will be another opportunity for comment as the process moves ahead. And whatever is decided, she added, will be phased in over a number of years to minimize the effect on stations.

CPB President Pat Harrison also addressed the breakfast crowd. Particularly in these time of devisive, often overheated political discussion, pubcasting offers “content that inspires and does not incite … that informs but does not propogandize … where people of goodwill can come together to discuss and debate.”

And new APTS President Pat Butler girded the audience for the upcoming challenges on Capitol Hill as both parties “look at every option of reducing the cost of government,” including pubcasting. Butler also mentioned that APTS is talking with the Department of Labor to explore how public TV might assist the country in the area of employment.

One thought on “Dues review committee still considering system input, Kerger says

  1. Hear, hear, Pat Harrison, spoken just like a liberal…, no CPB, NPR, and PBS would not dream of biting the hand that writes their paychecks and will continue to view and report upon the world through rose colored glasses. Juan Williams spoke up and look where it got him.

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