Ups and downs for 4G and mobile devices in ’11


The good news: 2011 promises to be a big year for 4G, with new mobile devices hitting the marketplace, and networks upgrading. The bad news: While many industry players remain enthusiastic, few will see much 4G revenue in 2011. That’s the outlook from the Yankee Group, the Boston-based tech research and consulting firm.

Among its 21 specific predictions:

— Mobile users will flock to the simplicity and savings of hotspots, which will reduce 4G subscriptions in the long run.

— Mobile video won’t be “the killer 4G app” everyone is expecting. Consumers will spend more time with music services like Pandora and Slacker.

— In the rush to roll out 4G, operators are cutting corners on security. Yankee thinks that in 2011, a denial-of-service attack will take a 4G network down.

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