Get your Wookie on in Alaska

Got plans for Aug. 28? You might drop by Juneau, Alaska, for KXLL’s “Star Wars” party. It’s the latest event sponsored by the funky, eclectic pubcasting station that attracts an 18- to 34-year-old audience, said Bill Legere, g.m. of KTOO. It picked up KXLL (“Excellent Radio”) and another station “in a fire sale” three years ago (Current, Feb. 26, 2007). KXLL has planned several happenings for the young crowd, such as a pre-fireworks Fourth of July party drew that around 800. There was also a “Rocky Horror Picture Show” night and a Cinco de Mayo bash, “stuff that’s campy and fun,” as Legere told Current. The events are simple to organize, and ticket and refreshment sales usually generate between $4,000 and $5,000 for the station. Legere said KXLL airs 20 or more volunteer disc jockeys who are quickly becoming celebs in town.

Interesting aside: Legere said the station did an “informal focus group” with young listeners. One finding was that “they’d never heard of ‘making a pledge,'” he said. To them, a straightforward request to “give money” made a lot more sense.

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