Stations wind up unique multi-year forgiveness outreach


A four-year Campaign for Love and Forgiveness program draws to an end Tuesday (June 15) at six pubcasting stations nationwide participating in the Fetzer Institute program. It’s an outreach that encourages participants to come together to forgive on both personal and community levels. At KEET in Eureka, Calif., there was a theater production and art exhibits. KPBS in San Diego sponsored conversations among youth and survivors of torture. Maryland Public Television dedicated a forgiveness garden. At WGVU in Grand Rapids, Mich., “A Season of Forgiveness” project that began with the outreach is now a privately held organization. Part of WTVI’s campaign, a “Red Bench of Love” in Charlotte, N.C., began as a place for conversations of forgiveness; it ultimately inspired a theatrical event. And WXXI in Rochester, N.Y., sponsored an exhibition of images and stories of people who found the courage to forgive, titled: “The F Word: Images of Forgiveness.” Other partners in the campaign included StoryCorps and the American Library Association.

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