PBS scored six honors at the Creative Arts Emmy Awards Saturday night in Los Angeles, with Masterpiece’s “Little Dorritt” the big winner with four. Taking home statuettes were: Rachel Freck for casting; Barbara Kidd and Marion Weise for costumes; for art direction, James Merrifield, Paul Ghirardani and Deborah Wilson; for photography, Lukas Strebel. Great Performances scored for its title music by John Williams; and American Masters was outstanding nonfiction series, with Susan Lacey, Prudence Glass, Julie Sacks and Judy Kinberg producers. These Emmys recognize technical disciplines and behind-the-scenes production work such as picture editing, sound editing, sound mixing, special visual effects, cinematography, art direction, music, stunts and more. A full list of winners is on the Emmy website (PDF). HBO was top winner with 16.