Kermit isn’t going Gaga

Kermit the Frog is on the record about his relationship with oh-so hip pop star Lady Gaga: There is none. His denial to People magazine comes after the two arrived together at the recent MTV Video Music Awards and were photographed smooching as Kermit leaned out of the back of a limo. “It was not a romantic kiss,” he insists. “It was a kiss for good luck. Kissing a frog is good luck for the person giving the kiss–but bad luck for the frog if his pig finds out.” That would be Miss Piggy, who has long been linked to the green Muppet. But what about the Kermit cape and hat Lady Gaga wore during a television interview in Germany? “Actually, no actual amphibians were harmed in the making of that frog coat,” Kermit explains. “In fact, after she checked the coat, she gave those frogs the rest of the night off.”

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