A North Carolina congresswoman is accusing Worldfocus of airing “propoganda” from the Al Jazeera English television network. “My concern is that the American people should be pretty darn upset about the fact that their tax dollars are going to fund this,” said GOP Rep. Sue Myrick. “I mean, they’re already upset about what their tax dollars are going to fund, and now they’re funding propaganda.” The show originates from WNET and features international news. In response, e.p. Marc Rosenwasser issued a statement explaining that Worldfocus reports come from several networks including Channel 10 of Israel, Britain’s ITN, Deutsche Welle of Germany, TV Globo of Brazil, Africa 24 and ABC of Australia. “Though many people who have not seen Al Jazeera English think of it as a propaganda machine for Islamic extremist causes, much of what it produces is not ideological and much is not even from that part of the world,” the statement says. “We also believe Al Jazeera English does sometimes offer us and our viewers a unique perspective from various parts of the world where it has access that others don’t.” For more on the show, see the Current story about its launch.