WNYC’s Lehrer: ‘O’Reilly was great’

At a party last night for WNYC’s new national morning show, The Takeaway, Studio 360 host and New York media wag-in-chief Kurt Andersen described the new offering as “the bastard child of Bill O’Reilly and, I don’t know, Brian Lehrer,” Mediabistro reports. Lehrer, a popular WNYC host, played along during a panel discussion: “Don’t tell anyone… Bill O’Reilly was great.” John Hockenberry and Adaora Udoji will host the PRI-distributed show, which debuts with one hour April 28 and will eventually expand to three or four. Hockenberry’s concept for the show is somewhat loftier than Andersen’s, according to Mediabistro. “It’s not a new morning show per se,” Hockenberry explained. “It’s a new platform for discourse itself.”

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