Writer’s Block


Writer’s Block is a station initiative that brings together local playwrights, poets, and story tellers to present their original work before a live studio audience. The event is taped for future broadcast and podcast. The event also features a local musician that is interspersed through the evening presenting their own original compositions. We travel to various venues throughout the region to help foster awareness of the literary and musical artistic talent that exists within the community. Artists share poetry, short stories, and spoken word. Acoustic musicians present their own original compositions. We combine the spoken and musical talent in alive taping in front of an audience.

WHRV-FM is the organizer for the event and is  responsible for all of the logistics and planning.  The station launched Writer’s Block by soliciting local authors and playwrights to submit their original work.  Local musicians were also solicited to perform.  Various local venues have been secured which allows the literary community to meet and share their work.  WHRV tapes the event for future broadcast and podcast.The event is edited for content and then broadcast  on our FM station and also podcast via our website.